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Improving the Efficiency of RFID Authentication with Pre-Computation

Lee , K., Nieto, J. M. G. and Boyd, C.

    Security of RFID authentication protocols has received considerable interest recently. However, an important aspect of such protocols that has not received as much attention is the efficiency of their communication. In this paper we investigate the efficiency benefits of pre-computation for time-constrained applications in small to medium RFID networks. We also outline a protocol utilizing this mechanism in order to demonstrate the benefits and drawbacks of using this approach. The proposed protocol shows promising results as it is able to offer the security of untraceable protocols whilst only requiring the time comparable to that of more efficient but traceable protocols.
Cite as: Lee , K., Nieto, J. M. G. and Boyd, C. (2012). Improving the Efficiency of RFID Authentication with Pre-Computation. In Proc. Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC 2012) Melbourne, Australia. CRPIT, 125. Pieprzyk, J.and Thomborson, C. Eds., ACS. 91-100
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